The most important issues for me, especially this election year are: ending abortion, limiting government, preserving the constitution, and protecting the United States. I feel during the present administration, our country is going in completely the wrong direction.
Four years ago, people blamed President Bush and Republicans for the ills of the economy, crash of the housing market, and bloating of the federal deficit. People, including Republicans and Independents, bought into the "Hope and Change" rhetoric of the Obama campaign. I've talked to fellow Republicans who voted for him and were "shocked" by the way he is running the government. Really? I am not shocked at all!
While I do feel President Bush could have vetoed some spending, the economic downturn started when the Democrats took over both houses of Congress. That is what boggles my mind when I see polls saying the majority of people still blame President Bush for the economy! Are you kidding me?!
People still don't realize that, as altruistic as the liberal claim their agenda is, it is actually designed to keep people down, in their place. Think about it, if people are kept depend on government and government programs, what is the incentive to improve their lot in life? To succeed on their own?
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