I spent a good portion of the day with my beautiful niece who just gave birth to an adorable 6#10oz precious baby girl. The baby decided to join our wacky family early and was on a ventilator for a little over a day and is now on oxygen. She is in the nicu and is doing well.
When I got to my niece's room I found her crying. I was alarmed that something had happened to the baby but, praise God, what was upsetting her was that wanted to have her baby with her. She worried her whole pregnancy that something would happen to the baby, and, today, after going through labor and a c-section, she felt like everything she worried about was coming to pass.
This got me to thinking about the Democratic Convention a few weeks ago and their "celebration of women and women's rights." I find that very sad, that they celebrate a women's choices including the right to terminate the life of her unborn child. Members of my own family will say, I would never have an abortion but won't tell someone else what to do or I am pro-life but will continually vote for politicians who are pro-abortion. They can't seem to grasp the concept that every time they vote for one of these candidates, they are voting pro-choice. Pro-choice, what an odd thing to call it. In fact, it is pro-murder. The child is being killed, slaughtered, ripped apart. Sickening isn't it?
Why, do these same people, who support this legalized murder, kick up a fuss, if a pro-life person posts pictures of these murders? One told me these pictures were not appropriate for Facbook. Wow, that is some nerve, you can't look at the pictures but you support the "right to choose"? TOUGH! Where is the baby's right?
As I celebrate my beautiful niece and her wonderful husband becoming first time parents, I ask that the reader pause to reflect on the choices he or she makes this November. Do you vote for the man who has a record of voting not only for a woman's choice but also for infanticide (1) and who stated he would not want his daughters saddled with a "mistake",or, for the father of six who supported his wife through her battle with breast cancer and MS and is a hands-on dad and granddad. The choice is crystal clear.
1. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/02/23/bill_bennett_explaining_obamas_infanticide_vote
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