Thursday, October 18, 2012

Post Debate Review

Well, how many of you watched the Vice-Presidential debate last week? What was with Biden? Laughing at inappropriate moments, grinning, interrupting Ryan and the moderator.......

When a wise person debates with a fool, the fool rages and laughs, and there is no peace and quiet. Proverbs 29:9-

This was after Obama's terrible debate performance the week before.

Then, during Tuesday's second presidential debate, the president was "assisted" by moderator Candy Crowley who interrupted Romney to back up O's lie about when he stated calling the attack on the US Embassy and murder of four Americans a terrorist attack. She back pedaled after the debate but the damage was done.

Three debates down, all moderated by Liberal-leaning moderators who tried to help both the President and Vice President, interrupted Romney and Ryan many more times and gave both incubents more time.  Wow, fair and balanced? NOT! And Liberals complain about Fox?! It would be funny if the future of the USA wasn't at stake.

Shock and Awe!

Obama, with the help of moderator Candy Crowley, lied about when he called the attack on the US Embaasy in Libya a terrorist attack. Well.... the shock is, CBS had a full story on it on Wednesday.

I am very pleasantly surprised. It is about time!

Monday, October 8, 2012

You Perform Poorly, Your Campaign Resorts to Name Calling!

Wow, the president puts in a really, really poor performance at last week's debate and what does his campaign do? They call Mitt Romney a liar! The NY Times Paul Krugman said that basically everything the president said was true and everything Romney said "was either outright false or so misleading as to be the moral equivalent of a lie."

All the usual suspects were on the Sunday talk shows trying to divert the focus from the president's performance. And one of the people leading the charge? Stephanie Cutter! Yes, the same Stephanie Cutter who claimed Obama's campaign had nothing to do with the (Mitt killed my wife) ad and that she didn't know the facts of the case (even though she hosted a conference call with the man!)

The woman who stated that Mitt was either a liar or felon!

The woman who believe woman are stupid!

“We’ll continue doing what we have been doing, trying to get the president’s message out on the ground. Whether it’s in the suburban areas of Northern Virginia, or Denver, Ohio, to talk about what the president wants to do in the future. That’s the other thing that you find most often with women. They’re not really concerned about what’s happened over the last four years, they really want to know what’s going to happen in the next four years.”

First, the left was in shock. They couldn't believe that "The One" put in such a poor debate performance. Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton, etc. were pathetic! It would be funny if the matter wasn't so important. It showed that without his teleprompter or written speech, Obama hasn't a clue what is going on. He brought up Clinton's record (because he can't defend his own.) Is he now trying to run on Clinton's economic record?